Important energy industry changes coming into effect from April 2018
January 29, 2018
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Electricity and gas renewal prices in 2018 – important information for business owners
August 15, 2018

Small businesses are paying too much for energy (The Times)

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For too long, small companies have suffered at the hands of energy suppliers and unscrupulous brokers. The Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) estimates that small businesses pay about £500m more a year than they would if the market functioned properly.

Did you know, when a business comes to the end of a fixed-term contract, a supplier can switch it to a default tariff with little warning. This can mean an increase of 50% or more!

Source: The Times

The message is simple. Don’t pay more than you have too!

We can help secure contracts of up to 5 years in length and help you enter into a contract up to 12 months in advance of your current contract end date. We can also conduct detailed analysis of water bills, going back up to 6 years to identify issues of over-charging or incorrect tariffs. In a rising market, these features can provide significant benefit in terms of budget certainty and peace of mind.

If you have an issue with your current contract, please get in touch with us.

Hear from our clients..

Ripon Cathedral: “Pickwick ran a full tender exercise on our behalf, resulting in an annual saving of 40% (£20,000) on our gas costs alone. The process was simple, straightforward and entirely transparent”.

Limitless Cycling: “Within two weeks, I had a proper bill, based on actual readings – £492 compared to the £8,500 I was originally issued!”.

Adderstone Group: “Pickwick Cross look after over 40 meter points and also handled a range of queries and billing errors on our behalf”.

United Asphalt: “The entire tender process was negotiated and re-negotiated on our behalf. Saving over 20% on our contract is a big positive for us, lower energy costs allow us to reinvest”.

Sisters of the Church: “As a result of working with Pickwick Cross we have reduced our annual spend by nearly 23%”.

Book a free, no obligation consultation today.

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